
Potentials Analysis

PrismERP’s CRM add potential form facilitates to create potentiality according to opportunity with status of the particular lead.

1) Add Potential:

From the above screenshot view we can see

a) Potential List: Can go to the potential list from the add page

b) Opportunity:  From which opportunity the potential has been raised

c) Potential Owner: Head Person of the Organization

d) Budget: Approximate Expense on client.

e) Expected Revenue: what type of income can come out from the customer. (Approximate estimated value)

f) Sales Stage: Current stage and condition of the organization for the sale.

g) Probability (%): Estimated percentage of the chances of getting product sold to the customer.

h) Expected Closing Date:  Specified date on which the sale potential gets expired

i) Branch: Assigned Branch under which the potential raised

j) Competitor list: Another Market Competitor on which organization can move for the same thing for buying.

      a) Competitor’s Name:  Name of the Company

                            b) Product’s name: Name of the Product

                            c) Product’s Price: Estimated price of their product

                            d) Probability: Chances for the organization to buy their product.


2) Potential List Page:

Potential List page provides the following search, add report and filtering options:

a) Add icon: Adding a new potential from the list

b) Report:  Can go to the report page of potential

c) Potential Code: Can search a specific potential with the code, can enter a specific potential too

d) Opportunity Code: Can search a specific opportunity with the code ,can enter a specific opportunity too from the potential list.

e) Owner: Can search specific potential through the name of the owner of organization

f) Budget: Can search potential through budget input

g) Sales Stage: Can search a particular potential through Sales stage

h) Product: Can search a potential with a specific product interest on potential list

i) Date Range: Can search a potential from from specific date range.


3) View Page of Specific or Existing Potential:

The above screenshot shows the following options available for an existing potential page view

a) Attendable Survey:

b) Add option: User can add organization, potentials, opportunities and quotes from the view page.

c) Potential List: Can go back to the potential list

d) Edit Details Info: Can edit or change the details information of the potential

e) Quotes: Can edit and change the financial quote

f) Activities: Can edit the activities

g) Edit Competitors List: Can edit or change the status of competitors in the market.