
Ledger Books

Ledger Book is a book of account that provides in depth record of financial transaction over the total lifetime period of a company or an organization. For a particular account there is always a ledger book for maintaining all the records.

In order to see the Ledger Book list from the application. go to Accounts--> Ledger Books

From the Ledger Books page you can see the name of all the accounts and their type along with opening date information and current balance. Mark that the balances shown for accounts are in two different colours.This varies and performs it action depending on the characteristics of a particular account type.

From the list page you can travel through a specific account ledger by selecting or clicking on the underlined account name. After clicking on the account, a specific window will appear as shown below:

From a specific account ledger you can see different tabs for providing details information about the ledger book

1) Balance chart shows the chart of the account balance movement for last 30 days

2) On the top right corner from the ledger book, you can get a report of that ledger book from a specific time intervals, you can even close the account from the window

3) You can also make changes or modification by clicking on the edit icon as provided on the top right corne

4) Ledger tab shows all the records and financial transactions related to this account. Screenshot is give below for better understanding

You can see all the detail recordings of financial transaction that has been performed on this account. From the following time intervals the recordings can be provided

5) Party Ledger Summary(Optional): Shows the name of all the parties with whom the transactions are covered as well the balances (Note: The balances are shown in red or green depending on the account nature, the balance actions are performed in the application)

6) Sub Accounts (Optional): Will show all the sub accounts ledger and it's balance under this ledger book