
Inventory Transfer & Analysis

Inventory Transfer refers to the transfer of goods,products or items from one Inventory to Another Inventory. This is basically done when a company or a person has more than one inventory. In order to perform that function you need to go to the Delivery Management. Analysis includes the incoming transfers and tracking out all the transfers that are being done so far.

1) New Transfer Order:

In order to perform a new transfer order first go to

Delivery--> New Transfer Order

In the Transfer Order,you need to fill up some following information in order to proceed the transfer order

Inventory: Selecting the Inventory at first from where the product will be taken from

Dest. Inventory: Destination inventory where the Products or goods will be transferred

Reference No: if there is any (Optional)

Branch: Branch of the Inventory transfer

Delivery Date: Date of delivering or transferring the product to the destination inventory

Receiving Date: Date of Receiving the Transfer product into the destination inventory

Products information are also provided in the window where you will selecting the item, products, stock available and the quantity to be selected for transferring and the measurements of those products

After completing all the procedure then a window will appear of delivery list in the application.

Note that after completing the add transfer procedure it has been dropped into the delivery list but the Transfer order has not been completed yet. From the list you can see TRO has been generated for the transfer order but the product or goods has nont been delivered yet to the destination inventory as it is showing an exclamation sign marked as red in the above pic, this shows as it is in pending process. In order to proceed the transfer delivery you need to select that transfer on the box of the TRO and then below there is a button of Accept . If you accept, the transfer order delivery will be completed. The screenshot is shown below for the process.

As you can see first selecting the Tranfer order and then click on the "Accept" Below on the above screenshot. After accepting then you can see there is a green icon of tick marked as red in the above screenshots which confirms the transfer of goods from the selected inventory to the destination inventory. Besides that from the delivery list you can also reject or make pending to the delivery too as well as closing the orders too from the window.

2) Incoming Transfer Orders:

Shows the list of all the incoming transfers that are being made from one inventory to another inventory.

List shows all the transfer orders number with their type of transfer along with the date, amount, description, transfers, completed by which user, Branch , IN Status.