
Sales Target


1) Add Sales Target: Defining a sales target for a specific time interval for sales department

Sales Target--> Add Sales Target



Name: Name of the Specified Sales Target to recognize (It can be any name for example month of december sales target so we provided the name " December" )

Start: Start time of the sales target for the sales group

End Time: End time to meet up the target

Target: Target amount of sales

Branch: Branch Assigning


After adding the sales target. It will appear in the sales target list as shown below: ( Also the list page view of Sales Target)

Sales Target--> List Sales Target


As you can see after creating the sales target it will appear or be visible in the sales target list (Sales Target--> List Sales Target). From the list page you can go to the specific sales target profile by clicking on the name of the sales target. Also you can add new sales target from the list page as well as print ( report) the list.


2) Adding up employee target to the specific sales target:

It can be done in two process either you visit a specific sales target and from that page click on the add employee target or you can directly go to Sales Target--> Add Employee Target

Both ways it is possible and is the same.


A) Adding Employee Target from the specific Sales Target Profile:





Target Name: Selecting the Sales Target group where you will assign the employee

Employee: Selecting the employee

Branch: Assigning the Branch of company

Total Target: Total Target will be filled up automatically once you provide the target details of that employee

Minimum Required: From the total target the minimum the employee needs to achieve to get the comission rate for each product

Target details: Details show the name of the product brand along with quantity product price. the target amount will automatically, Also assigning the comission rate for each product sell if the employee achieve the minimum target from the total target set.


B) After generating the employee target it will appear in the employee target list shown below: ( List page view of employee target)

Sales Target--> List Employee Target





From the list you can see when you added an employee target it has been provided under that specific sales target with the details information of target amount, achievement amount and its percentage acheived, Minimum required achievement (Note that minimum required will decrease as soon as the employee starts to sell) Total commission achieved( It will start after crossing the minimum required). All are visible so clearly in the list page as well as the ability to modify or edit specific employee target option for changing the target, adding new employee target from the list page, report the list of employee target page.