Customer and Buyer Management of SCM will be created and managed from the Party Management module of the application.
1) Add or creating a new customer or buyer: Parties--> Customer--> New Customer
First section field shows all the basic information of the customer that are required to fill up with the opening balance, date o entry, type of customer, category etc.
In the second screenshot it is showing the other requirement fields of the new customer window that includes company information along with contact, address information (shipping and billing address), Account information etc.
2) Checking out the customer or buyer list with details: To see the list of customer of SCM go to the customer list from the party management module
Parties--> Customer--> Customer List
From the above screenshot you can see the customer or buying list. The left side shows the list of all the names of customer on the right side shows after selecting a specific customer name from left side it will show all the information along with details, vouchers, ledgers, attachment cheque tabs. Overall detailed information of a customer is provided along with their balance.
Customer Flat list: Shows the name of the customer in flat format with their balance and status. Screenshot is given below
Parties--> Customer Flat List